Saturday, August 13, 2016

I'm sorry, but we can't go back

We have made some serious mistakes in the past. How do we fix those mistakes? We can't. No matter what we do, we can't go back in time to correct previous generations' mistakes.

One of the obvious mistakes of our past was slavery. We were wrong to believe that owning another person was acceptable. No matter what we do, slavery will always be a part of our past.

How do we fix something that was wrong but no longer a part of society? We have to move on. Unfortunately, there are hate groups such as Black Lives Matter who refuse to move past our history. They have fueled division in America when we should be promoting unity. We should strive to get along, not use the past as an excuse to hold a grudge.

There's a similar problem with Native Americans. We slaughtered them to take their land. I am not stupid enough to defend our actions, but we can't undo it. We need to put the past behind us and try to get along.

We can't kick out blacks and send them back to Africa. Similarly, we can't kick out everyone who is white and send them to Europe. We now have different races living next to each other. Personally, I would much rather put our past behind us than to have our entire country holding grudges against our neighbors due to treatment that they have never personally seen.

I can assure you that I have never had a desire to own a slave. I also have never considered killing anyone to steal their property. Don't treat me as though I am personally responsible for such inexcusable actions.

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