Thursday, May 5, 2016

Donald Trump and the media

Donald Trump is running for president primarily to benefit his own ego. He speaks harshly for the sake of grabbing attention, and his ever-changing opinions always seem to be based off of what he feels will grab headlines. I do not feel that I can trust anything that he says.

Trump's supporters assume he is right about everything. They defend his arguments without explaining why he is right. They jump to conclusions regarding his opponents and adamantly argue that their opinions should be treated as fact.

Despite all of my issues with Trump, I have to agree with him and his followers on one issue. The media is clearly misrepresenting Trump to voters.

An example of our media's corruption came as a result of violence at some of his rallies. It turns out that Bernie Sanders supporters have been attending these rallies with the intent of causing problems. They try to incite violence. According to the media, Donald Trump is responsible for telling the Sanders fan base not to resort to violence.

While I believe that Trump's antics have contributed to the reported violence, I feel that Sanders, who has essentially admitted that these were his supporters, should take some of the responsibility. Unfortunately, being a good guy would likely tarnish his good guy reputation that was conveniently developed by our corrupt media. Sanders has never done anything to discourage his supporters from crossing a line.

More recently, Trump came under fire for his response to a seriously loaded question. He was asked if women who have abortions should be punished if abortions were illegal. This question did not ask about his actual beliefs regarding abortions. Instead, he was asked if he supported punishing illegal activity.

Although I feel that the media will win the election for Hillary, they are actually helping Trump. People who are justifiably furious with the media are overwhelmingly siding with Trump. Of course, those frustrated with the media stand no chance to overturn the will of the media when we reach the vote for the electors in November.

Personally, I won't let the media dictate my opinions. The media's love affair with Hillary is not enough for me to overlook her corruption. Similarly, I will not let their obvious mistreatment of Trump convince me to look past his egomaniacal ways. Both candidates are horrible.

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