Monday, February 29, 2016

The war on individuality

Over the years, we have heard a lot about the war on Christmas and the war on women. For some reason, we are neglecting a bigger war, the war on individuality.

The schools have been an enormous force in this war. They assume everybody is the same. All children are expected to learn the exact same things in the exact same way at the exact same time. If the child differs, he or she will be pressured to change.

Various standards including those set by the government and those set by an individual teacher rely on the idea that all children must receive the same education. When a child deviates, that child usually faces some form of punishment. In some cases, they are even put on drugs to chemically alter who they are.

This isn’t just an issue with the schools. This country has devolved into a mindless conformist nation. Being different is wrong, and we have been actively fighting individualism.

Both political parties have been backing out schools. The democrats have been bigger supporters of our anti-individual schools, but the republicans haven’t been far off. Additionally, we have all sorts of social engineering in this country. In a sense, both parties have been fighting over the best way to control American citizens. While the democrats have been more active in waging a war on individuality, both parties are to blame.

The schools and politics have shaped opinions of the mainstream. You need money to survive. To get money, you need a job. Most employers embrace the one person that we have been trained to become. They won't hire individuals, who appear as deviants to them. This ultimately makes survival reliant on conformity. That is why I refer to America as a conform-or-die nation.

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