Tuesday, August 25, 2015

"Un-American" is good for Americans

It's no secret that I am sick of people throwing the term un-American around as an insult. It's a weak insult, and I honestly believe that having un-American personalities in America is actually good for Americans.

I should probably clarify something before I go any further. There is a big difference between loving our modern version of America and wanting what's best for the people who live in America. In many ways, un-American has become a form of propaganda used to pressure the public into supporting the government. If you feel that it's in the best interests of the public to move past America, you will be labelled as un-American.

There is a big problem right now with what it takes to avoid the label. This requires a blind loyalty to the government. No legitimate individual will fit all of the stereotypes and other forms of mainstream beliefs required to be viewed as a true American. Independent thought pretty much guarantees that you will be labelled as un-American.

Let's look to future generations. What's best for them, and how do we get that for them? Do we conform to what the government demands? Do we ignore what's wrong with our country? Do we shout out, "All is well" just to please those who aggressively push the weak un-American insult?

People who are labelled as un-American are more likely to see the problems that we need to fix. They are more likely to push for improvements.There are a lot of people out there who believe we should, "Love it or leave it." Do these people honestly think that kicking out those who want a better nation is what's best for the people of this country?

While I'm ranting about un-American attitudes, let me bring up secession. Most (but not all) arguments made for secession are based off of the idea that the people would be better off free from American rule. Most secessionists strive for a better nation than America. That's hardly a mentality that we should ridicule.

For me, I don't care at all about what's best for this country. I care about what's best for the people of this country. Quite frankly, I don't consider America to be what's best for the people of America. I will embrace the un-American label with honor.

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