Tuesday, October 28, 2014


A lot of people seem to have developed an unnatural fear of rain. Rain is natural. We should be able to cope without acting like the world is coming to an end.

Here in Washington, there are a lot of people who can go out in the rain without being fazed. Of course, we are the minority. Most people in this state are Calivermin. They panic in the lightest drizzle.

I actually remember going to Calivermia as a kid. My family went on Splash Mountain in a light drizzle. The line consisted of locals hiding under rain ponchos. Let me put this another way. Calivermin wanted to get wet from a ride, but they did not want any moisture to land on them naturally. This is the kind of mentality that I'm criticizing when I talk about rainophobia.

Let me contrast a Calivermin theme park with a cruise ride. I took a cruise to Alaska a couple years ago. While at sea, we had frequent precipitation. Despite that, the swimming pool was in almost always in use. I don't like swimming myself, but they deserve credit. It has never made sense to me that anyone who enjoys swimming (for reasons other than wanting to cool down) would avoid submerging him or herself if there was a risk of additional moisture touching them. If you swim in the rain, good for you.

This has been bothering me for years. For the most part, people don't mind getting wet. People like swimming. Most people take baths and showers regularly. For some irrational reason, any amount of moisture coming from the skies is a reason to hide. It's one thing to dislike rain. It's something else to fear it.

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