Friday, August 8, 2014

Was a terrorist attack imminent?

After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the media clearly exaggerated the terrorism threat to our country. What we were being told was that terrorist groups would use the attack that took years of planning as motivation for an attack without any real planning. The media insisted that a larger attack was imminent. I never took it seriously.

This is something that I keep saying about our media. They want us to live in fear. If our lives are at stake, we will want to know the details. Then we can prepare for it in hopes of minimizing risks. We will be glued to our televisions as the media will exploit our fear.

We always have a threat for terrorism, but that threat tends to be overblown. Reports from the media regarding an imminent follow up were baseless. If you paid attention, the media never provided any evidence of anything. The entire argument they were making was based on assumptions. There was absolutely no reason to expect this imminent attack.

I already knew that our media was not trustworthy. It didn't surprise me that the imminent attack never materialized. During the reports, I frequently viewed the media's antics as fear mongering. They took a legitimate disaster and tried to exploit it for their own selfish gains. Sorry New Yorkers, but you have been used.

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