Tuesday, June 24, 2014

2014 Road Trip - Del Norte to Humboldt

We were a little slow getting out this morning, but that was probably for the best. We were planning on visiting Trees of Mystery, but they had to open first. We made a stop at Logan Creek. Since we had to make the walk count, I made sure to take notes.

After Trees of Mystery, we made several stops including Elk Meadow (where we found a single Elk wandering), Lady Bird Johnson Grove, Humboldt Lagoons State Park, Patrick’s Point State Park, and Trinity Memorial Lighthouse (the real thing was too crowded to justify).

We made one final stop at the Arcata Wildlife Sanctuary. We didn’t have time for the full trail system, but we heard this was a great birding site. I’m going to have to check pictures on one unfamiliar species.

We finished our day by making camp at Albee Creek in Humboldt Redwoods State Park. This will be the second straight night camping in the redwoods. Today’s campsite is a little more open. We have trees giving us shade, but we are next to a prairie-like area. We have already had a couple deer walking by.

As for non-eBird reports, we encountered Wrens, Elk (already mentioned), Barn Swallows, Thrushes, Gulls, Double-Crested Cormorants, Guillemots, Song Sparrows, and a Varied Thrush.

UPDATE 1: I have added pictures from Trees of Mystery.

UPDATE 2: I have added pictures from Redwood National Park and an eBird checklist.

UPDATE 3: I have added pictures from Patrick's Point State Park.

UPDATE 4: I have added pictures from Trinidad Memorial Lighthouse.

UPDATE 5: After looking through pictures, it appears that we actually recorded two new species at Arcata, Willets and Snowy Egrets. Pictures and an eBird checklist have been added.

UPDATE 6: I have added pictures from Humboldt Redwoods State Park.

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