Saturday, June 21, 2014

2014 Road Trip - Barview Jetty to Seal Rocks

We got out a lot earlier today. We arrived at Cape Meares before the park was scheduled to open. The land adjacent to the park is part of a wildlife refuge. We walked their trails, but only identified Downy Woodpeckers before heading back.

The state park was a little more interesting. We visited the first of three lighthouses for the day. We stopped by the “Octopus Tree.” There was also an unfamiliar bird that I’m going to have to look up when I get home. I was about to return to the car when I heard some noise and saw a couple birds going after each other. It was a Peregrine Falcon and a Bald Eagle. I didn’t get any shots of the dispute. The Bald Eagle was too distant for anything good. Hopefully, I got a usable Falcon shot.

We got out of our first park hours earlier than yesterday. We followed the 3 capes loop, but we weren’t very aggressive. In fact, we only actually stopped at Cape Lookout. We bumped into a Rabbit, Squirrel, Steller’s Jay, and a couple Cormorants, but those sightings were never meant for eBird.

Our next stop was Cannery Hill at Nestucca Bay National Wildlife Refuge. This was a coastal prairie and a reasonable walk. I kept a count for eBird.

Boiler Bay was another quick stop for us, but I felt like it was worth keeping a decent that will be uploaded to eBird.

We followed Otter Crest Loop. Our stops along this stretch included Rocky Creek and Otter Crest. These were more quick stops with limited notes. I found Gulls, an Oystercatcher, a White-crowned Sparrow, Cormorants, and Crows.

Then we made another quick stop. This time was Beverly Beach. We walked a bit to get shots of Yaquina Head Lighthouse. Along the way, we encountered a Crow, Brown Pelicans, and a Vulture.

We got a little closer to the lighthouse. The BLM manages that area, and this was our next stop. A few Gulls flew overhead, but this was not a wildlife area. Instead, we were at the Visitors Center that the BLM funnels everyone into. You can’t go straight on the main road. You have to go to the Visitors Center first.

The traffic diversion’s purpose became clear. There is limited parking at the top. After giving up on the lot, we found some parking along the side of the street. We visited tidepools and the lighthouse. We also saw a few Murres. Perhaps I will eventually upload a picture to show how few.

Near the tidepools and lighthouse, I kept a proper bird count. I did not at Yaquina Bay. This was another lighthouse stop for us. In addition to the lighthouse, we saw a Vulture, Gull, Swallow, Towhees, Eurasian Collared Doves, and Steller’s Jays.

It was after 3 on a Saturday. After passing multiple parks with “Full” on their signs, we decided to stop at the next spot that would work for us. We are now at Seal Rocks RV Cove. We will likely head to the beach later. For now, it’s a little relieving that we actually made some progress.

UPDATE 1: I have added pictures from the Cape Meares National Wildlife Refuge/State Scenic Viewpoint and an eBird checklist (park only).

UPDATE 2: I have added a couple of pictures from Cape Lookout State Park.

UPDATE 3: I have added pictures from Cannery Hill at Nestucca Bay National Wildlife Refuge and an eBird checklist. A Hermit Warbler was identified from my pictures, but the picture in question did not turn out well enough to upload. This was the only Hermit Warbler that I have ever successfully identified.

UPDATE 4: I have added pictures from Boiler Bay State Scenic Viewpoint and an eBird checklist.

UPDATE 5: I have added pictures from Rocky Creek State Scenic Viewpoint.

UPDATE 6: I didn't upload any pictures from Otter Crest State Scenic Viewpoint. I have added a picture from Beverly Beach State Park.

UPDATE 7: I have added pictures from Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area and an eBird checklist.

UPDATE 8: I have added pictures from Yaquina Bay State Park.

UPDATE 9: I have added a picture from the Yaquina Bay Bridge.

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