Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Exploiting Hispanics

I recently read an article (I don’t remember where it was) that insisted that the Republicans aren’t listening to the public and refuse to pursue immigration reform. The argument being made was that Republicans were fighting what we want because they are worried about new Hispanic citizens voting Democrat.

While there is some validity to the arguments, it’s actually the Democrats going against the will of the people on this issue for political gains. While a poll was included to prove that Americans want immigration reform, the reality is that both parties are pursuing immigration reform. One of the primary differences in how the parties want to reform relates to illegal immigrants.

The Democrats want to reward those who broke the law. Republicans want to put them at “the back of the line.” In other words, Republicans will still allow those who broke the law to become citizens, but only after law abiding immigrants. The article I read conveniently lacked any polls showing feelings regarding amnesty. From what I have seen online, most people are with me on this point. We should not reward people for breaking the law.

The Democrats are good at spin. They have people convinced that the Republicans are fighting the immigration reform that the public wants. In reality, the Republicans are fighting the amnesty that the public doesn’t want. With the control the Democrats have on us right now (Government, mentally destructive schools, media), the Republicans are stuck with this anti-immigration reputation.

There is no question that the Republicans are concerned with the Hispanic vote, but the Democrats are more actively engaged in a political game. If they can make illegal aliens citizens, they are almost certain to vote Democrat. With the Republicans resistance to amnesty, these law breakers will feel indebted to the Democrats and vote for them regardless of how poorly the party treats them. This is the same party that want to restore voting rights of felons (if they really wanted to vote, they shouldn’t have broken the law) and wants to prohibit any measures to prevent voter fraud (they insist that fraud is low, but how can we know if we can’t verify legitimacy of votes). They have repeatedly proven that they support criminal behavior simply because it helps them win elections.

If I were Hispanic, I would want to be integrated into this country as a valuable member of society. I would not want to be a pawn for the Democrats’ political game. What the Democrats are doing is exploiting the Hispanic community to help them achieve their own selfish desires. This is a big part of the reason that I view the Democrats as even more embarrassing than the Republicans.

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