Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Shutting my brain down 8 hours at a time

As I keep saying, we are living in the most mindless era in history. Whenever I'm mentally active, people look down on me. During my time in Ohio, I hid. At work, I refused to think. 8 hours each day, I shut my brain down.

When I returned to my home state, I made a decision. I was going to live a mentally active lifestyle. Mental inactivity was causing serious problems, and I could no longer handle that lifestyle. For the sake of my mental health, I needed to think.

I tried to get help finding a job. I would reject any job requiring me to stop thinking. That was my only demand. I was eventually dropped because I was asking too much.

My family decided to share their opinions on my situation. I could be me at home. All I had to do was sacrifice myself at work. The key to getting my life on track was to return to the habits that nearly destroyed my life in Ohio.

I'm a coward. I eventually gave up on what I need in life. While I still resort to occasional independent thought at home, I am a brain dead moron in public. I have sacrificed mental health just to fit in with the mindless masses that I have become so critical of. I hate over-conformity, and I hate myself... in public.

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