Thursday, August 29, 2013

A break from Future Stories

I have decided to put my thoughts out there for the next generation of video game consoles. Some people might have seen a pattern  in my posts, and I’m going to make a change for these video game posts.

Right now, I can’t justify adding a series without removing another. Part of the reason for this is because of my every other day requirement placed on myself (I try not to go two days without a post on any of my blogs) and my monthly requirement (also something I placed on myself) to update all of my blogs.

If I add a new series (without making other changes to my approach), I will be at five series for my personal blog and two for my education blog (My Schooling History is being replaced with a new series). Adding in my monthly posts (Washingtonian Weather Index, Mental Exercises, Mental Exercise Follow-ups, and Progress Updates for my picture collection) and my weekly picture challenges that I’m not including in these series as well as uncategorized posts, I would have to be more cautious to ensure monthly updates on my education blog.

I’m at a good stopping point for my Future Stories. That’s the series that will be sacrificed for the new video game posts. I know the stories are cornier than most people like, but I still have a few ideas that I want to write about. The next time I finish a series (probably either this short video game series or my loose series of explanations), Future Stories will return.

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