Monday, July 1, 2013

New Blog

You might have noticed that I weaseled out of a blog post in June. Between all of my blogs, I don’t normally go two days without anything new. I did that twice. Why did I do that? Why do I keep giving away the answers in my titles? I decided that I could justify a fourth ghost town of a blog.

My personal guidelines for my blogs has always been that I need to make sure I can make blog posts on a monthly basis. If I can’t, the content goes to my personal blog (the blog you’re currently reading). I felt that I wasn’t going to post enough to make my pictures separate.

Then a simple thought occurred. With a huge backlog of work on older pictures and a tendency to fall behind when the weather is warm and dry, it might be nice to provide monthly updates. That one thought meant that pictures could now fit my monthly criteria.

There are other possibilities for a picture blog. I’m already posting enough that I divided my tags to picture-related and everything else (picture-related tags will likely be removed from this blog in the future). I also am participating in a weekly photo challenge with my family. There are also some ideas for the future, but I’m going to hold onto those for now.

One final note: If I’m adding a new blog, I might as well tell you what it’s called and where to find it. It’s called Pictures from a Sub-Amateur and the URL is

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