Friday, December 21, 2012

The world didn’t end

I have been getting a bit of a kick out of the non-existent Mayan prophecy of the end of the world. What do you know? The prophecy was wrong all along.

For those who don’t know, a cycle of the Mayan calendar ended today, December 21, 2012. The media, always looking for the ratings grab that the end of the world can provide, emphasized this date as though the calendar cycle somehow meant that they were predicting the end of the world.

A lot of people put theories together regarding why the Mayans predicted the end of the world. As far as I’m aware, all of them were disproven well ahead of the media’s prophetic doomsday date. As usual, the media did far more to produce hysteria than facts.

For those of you who are disappointed that the evil human race is still polluting the universe with selfishness and corruption, I can at least provide you with a consolation prize. Although it was not the end of the world, it was the end of the autumn. Happy solstice everyone!

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