Sunday, September 23, 2012

The 3 threats to Cascadia

As I have already stated, I feel that Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia should break away from their countries and form a new nation, Cascadia. There are three major obstacles that threaten this future.


The primary purpose for schooling is to destroy thought and individuality. Thanks to the schools, very few people are willing or capable of questioning the government that we have in place today.


We are indoctrinated with the idea that we must love our nation. While a lot of this takes place in school, propaganda does not cease when the schooling process is completed. We have national anthems before sporting events, a highly unethical national media, and even a fear of being labeled as un-American. This makes it very difficult to convince people that we would be better off as an independent nation.


While Calivermia faces some of the same problems that we do, they provide a very different perspective. Since the nation’s most populated state has power, the United States treats them far better than they treat us. This makes it even more difficult for them to understand our problems.
So many Calivermin have moved to Washington over the years that they have more influence than Washingtonians regarding the fate of our state. Even if we could convince a majority of Washingtonians that we should secede, Calivermin could easily block our way.

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