Thursday, July 19, 2012

Addressing the media’s problems

The American media is horrible. I have been saying it for years, but does it have to be that way?

There have traditionally been two approaches to the media. The first has been government-controlled media. This has the news skewed by the government to serve their own purposes. The second approach is to have the media run as a business. When this happens, money skews information just as much.

The solution to our problems isn’t to solidify either of these flawed approaches. We need to improve accessibility to the different markets and to get the information from those who are involved rather than those who are trying to manipulate us. Thanks to the Internet, this should be possible. You could even argue that attempts have already been made. Unfortunately, no reliable community has ever formed.

Perhaps the problem is the desire for different people to view the news from a centralized platform. This would give us one place to find everything. Instead, we need open standards that allow people to communicate between each other and for various hubs and portals to gather the information for the distribution of the information. I will go into a little more detail in the future, but the point is that we need information to come from the source rather than manipulative… I’m not going to finish that sentence.

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