Monday, May 21, 2012

Cradle Climber

The Cradle Climber at the Playground by the Sound is a series of ropes put together to create the appearance of a ladder/half-pipe hybrid. Obviously, the use is closer to the ladder than the half-pipe.

Cradle Climber

This is another one of those components that only provide a risk for those who misstep and put their foot through the ropes rather than on. Even if such a mistake occurs, there is enough space that any tangling is unlikely.

Cradle Climber

Unfortunately for parents, this component is one of the more interior in the school-aged area. If you go under some components (the Chin-up Bar would be the easiest), you could find a reasonable view of your child(ren). You could also get lucky and not have to deal with children playing on distracting components while your child is climbing.

Cradle Climber

There are a couple poles for children to grab at top. Perhaps a misstep at the wrong time could push a kid into one of them. While not likely, that would probably be the biggest risk.

Cradle Climber

Cradle ClimberCradle ClimberCradle ClimberCradle Climber

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