Friday, March 9, 2012

Chin-up Bar

Quite possibly the most simplistic component of the Playground by the Sound is the Chin-up Bar. This is a just a bar that children can grab and use to pull themselves up. The bar has red and white stripes like a candy cane.

Chin-up Bar

This component is on the outside portion of the school-aged area, so parents won’t have problems watching children play on it. There are even benches conveniently placed nearby.

Chin-up Bar

As for potential risks for injury, I don’t see much unless a child is being reckless. Their feet will be directly below them, making any slip easy to land. The only thing that I can think to watch for is if a child tries to actually climb on top of the bar.

Chin-up BarChin-up BarChin-up Bar

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