Friday, February 3, 2012

Am I conservative or liberal?

Most of my family could be classified as ultra-conservative. By that, I mean that they seem to mindlessly side with the Republicans over Democrats on just about every issue. Am I like that? I might prefer Republicans on a lot of issues, but that’s because the Republicans are legitimately closer to my feelings regarding those issues. Similarly, if the Democrats are closer to my beliefs on other issues, then I will be more likely to side with the Democrats on those issues.

I believe in small government that won’t get in the way of life. I don’t believe in censorship. Laws should be based more on ensuring personal freedoms than political persuasion or social engineering. I disagree with a legal system that holds people (and businesses) responsible for accidents when they fail to take into account the idiocy of others. In these areas, I’m closer to the Republicans than the Democrats.

One of the big arguments right now relates to the yearly deficits that are exceeding a trillion dollars. I would rather cut back spending than raise taxes. Perhaps I will explain why in a future post. That said, I am open to increasing revenue if doing so can simplify the tax code such as eliminating tax deductions (which can also reduce the expense of processing those taxes), so I’m not 100% on the side of the Republicans.

On the other side of things, I feel that we need to do more to protect the environment. I don’t like religious beliefs being forced on us by others, I feel that it’s too easy to get guns, and I want serious cutbacks to the military. Those are not exactly beliefs that I share with the Republican party.

If you have read about my educational beliefs, you will see that I am willing to develop beliefs that go against the views of both political parties. The simple reality behind my political attitude is that I try to form my own views rather than allow the two parties to manipulate my thoughts. Depending on the issue, the correct answer can be conservative, liberal, or something that nobody else has even considered. As far as the original question goes, I refuse to label myself as either a conservative or a liberal. I am an individual. As such, I would rather look at the actual issues and choose what I believe is right than to pick a side based on political posturing.

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