Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fighting Through Discouragement

Nobody cares about what I have to say. When it comes to opening up, this creates two problems. I’m not good at making friends to share my blog with, and people who know me are not likely to visit my blog. This has made blogging an even more difficult task for me to force myself to work on.

I’m making myself to do something that I don’t really enjoy, and I’m not getting anything back. Why would I make an effort to make any sense whatsoever when nobody will ever see my posts? If nobody visits, how would they even know what I’m saying?

The few people who are aware of my blog either don’t care or actually fear my thoughts and beliefs. I have found it to be discouraging when the people in my life have absolutely no interest in what I think. While this is nothing new to me (how many times have I attempted to open up?), it does take a toll.

Despite discouragement, I’m still maintaining this blog. Even scarier for the public, I maintain my pro-education blog. I haven’t given up, and that should say something about me. My beliefs are strong. The fact that I don’t conform to mainstream mentality guarantees that I will never be truly accepted. It seems that the only way to be heard in the modern world is to fail to contribute anything beyond what the mainstream believes. Personally, I’d rather think for myself.

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