Saturday, October 1, 2011

Today’s Awkward Walk

Several weeks ago, Intel took over the Central Meadow at Chambers Creek Properties. Outside of a delivery of portable toilets, the event wasn’t in my way at all. There was an event today that wasn’t quite as friendly to the public. I have heard that the Curtis prison is the culprit for this cross-country event. I miss Intel.

Early on in my walk, I headed to the Soundview Trail at the North end of the park. The gates were closed. I couldn’t get through, so I switched directions. I reached the other switchbacks and headed down. Ahead of me, three buses from Bellarmine headed down.

Looking at the Central Meadow, I could see flags marking their course. Unfortunately, it looked like these flags crossed the trail. I had no choice in direction when I reached the meadow. If I wanted to reach the Bridge to the Beach, I had to enter the area around the Central Meadow further to the West.

Bellarmine had dumped their loads ahead of me. There were several groups of the mental prisoners around the meadow. One was in front of me closer to the bridge while another group was wandering the meadow and entered the trail behind me. I was sandwiched.

I reached the bridge around the time they opened the gate on the bridge. Apparently the staff was thrown off by the event and were slow in opening the gates today. Thanks to the slow opening, I pretty much caught up to the group in front when I was on the bridge. I worked my way past them.

With a high tide today, I didn’t stay by the water. I starting working my way back toward the meadow. Unfortunately, the two cells converged and blocked the path. I tried to find a path between them. As soon as I felt like I was through, they started moving. I had to speed up to avoid being consumed by Bellarmine’s competitors (obviously, the race hadn’t started).

Just in case they still hadn’t opened up the gate by the North entrance of the Soundview Trail, I returned the way that I came. Unfortunately, more mental prisons were letting their inmates off of their buses. The primary drop-off just happens to be along the only trail that I felt that I could use to get through. As soon as these prisoners leave their buses, they tend to stay near their buses until instructed to get out of the way. Across the trail from the buses was a registration area. They were putting together the numbers for runners to wear. Somehow, I had to go between these two groups. When I thought that I had a small path, a group from one of these prisons conveniently decided to move some kind of equipment through the same hole without taking the simple precaution of looking where they were going. I barely made it through in one piece.

I should at least try to be fair. My timing for this event was not nearly as good as my timing for the Intel event. I also hate being around schools and don’t want them being involved in sporting events. Even so, there are things that could have been handled a little bit better.

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