Thursday, October 27, 2011

Social Engineering

This post was adapted from something that I had previously written.
Social engineering is one of the cornerstones of the Democratic Party. Their desire to push us to do more for society has them implementing all sorts of policies that push us towards what they believe is right. The tax code, for example, contains all sorts of financial benefits to those who spend their money as the Democrats see fit. The legal system is the same thing. There are far too many laws in place telling us what we can and can’t do.

When we think about brainwashing, we think of a number of people locked in a room where they are indoctrinated with values that they are expected to accept. We generally envision this process as going on for days or weeks. One of my issues with America is that we’re willing to go above and beyond, but only when we shouldn’t. We take children from their parents at susceptible ages and lock them in rooms where they are forced to have government-approved values crammed down their throats until they reach adulthood. In short, this is our schooling system.

You may be wondering why I move so quickly from talking about social engineering to talking about brainwashing. The answer is simple. Social engineering is the politically correct term for brainwashing. There is no denying that social engineering is one of the primary purposes for our schools. It is also beyond a doubt that schooling is a form of brainwashing.

Like I said earlier, taxes and the legal system are forms of social engineering. Do they classify as brainwashing? I would have to say yes, but not in a way that is as obvious as the schools. Tax exemptions are essentially bribes to adopt the values of the Democratic Party. Our obsession with money means that we will change our personalities for financial benefit.

As for our general legal system, the majority of Americans have accepted the idea that we should find blame in as many places as possible. If someone who owns a video game console murders someone, it’s not the killer’s fault. It was the video games. Our legal system insists that we live our lives as those who blame others rather than take responsibility for our own actions. You can find other examples in the legal system as well, but I don’t want to go through each law explaining how they can alter who we are.

The social engineering that the Democrats (and Republicans to a lesser extent) have been using has taken away fundamental rights. We have to think what the Democrats want us to think, which means that we are expected to stop thinking for ourselves. We have to be whoever the Democrats want us to be, so we no longer have the right to be individuals. The Democrats keep finding ways to control our lives instead of letting us live our own lives.

The values of the Democratic Party are not always ideal. They value selfishness. They value obedience. They value idiocy. They value corruption. They value oppression. What’s just as scary is what they oppose. They oppose human decency and quality of life.

We are continuing down a dark path. Social engineering has been a catastrophic failure. Americans are slaves to the government, and we are closer to becoming slaves of the Democratic Party. It’s time for real change. It’s time to drop social engineering in favor of making life worth living.

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