Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mental Slavery

This post was adapted from something that I had previously written.
Due to social engineering and other mentally destructive activities, the United States is not a free country by any stretch of the imagination. The government manipulates our minds so that we are who they want us to be and we live our lives how they want us to. Propaganda and the mainstream’s beliefs have convinced many that this is a free country. If people felt free to think for themselves, they would see that they are nothing but slaves to the government.

Obviously, I’m not talking about the same kind of slavery that we saw in the earlier years of this country. We don’t have slave drivers in charge of small groups, but have regulations in charge of the entire population. We may not kill people for acting in a disobedient manner, but we have an economy-oriented society that threatens the survival of those who don’t do what this country demands. We don’t physically force people to do their work, but almost all of us have been mentally shaped to do whatever is expected from us.

Take a look at our obsession with phones. Are phones necessary for survival? Absolutely not. Does America allow us to live our lives without phones? Not a chance. In fact, we are now trying to push cell phones to the same level as landlines. If you don’t want a device that you can actually survive without, you should not be forced to pay money to buy that device and pay additional monthly fees to keep it usable.

Personally, I hate phones. Due to my bias, it would probably be better to say that something I like should not be forced on others. I am posting this text on a blog. In order to do this, I need access to the Internet. The Internet is reaching the point where it is considered mandatory. This should not happen. I feel that the Internet opens up a lot of opportunities and that it would be a horrible tool to live without. Should I force these views on others? No.

Our government mentally controls the bulk of the American population. While this is not nearly as definitive as the slavery that split this country apart in the past, it is a much larger scope. It’s not just the farm workers who are slaves. We also have doctors, businessmen, philanthropists, and pretty much everyone else dedicating their lives to doing what they think they are supposed to be doing. This creates a situation where the government effectively controls health care, business operations, and even our core values.

There’s a reason that I consider America to be a socialist country. While the government may not own businesses, it does control businesses. While the mental influence may be subtle, many of their regulations are not. There are so many legal issues these days that businessmen are less likely to be visionaries than to be among those who are familiar with how the government wants them to operate.

Legal issues are not just on the business level. Take a look at our tax system sometime. You will find that how much you pay can vary depending on how much you conform to the government’s standards. For example, the government expects all learning to occur within the schooling environment.

The government actually has a lot out there to push citizens into the schools. There are tax deductions. Since the schools are funded by taxes, you effectively lose that money unless you attend. The general public has been convinced that it is in their best interest to discriminate against those who are not products of the schools.

Why is there so much pressure to attend school? It’s because this is the biggest mind control mechanism that the government has available to them. The schools tell people what to think and believe. The schools essentially provide the government the opportunity to brainwash the public en masse.

With how the schools work, thought and individuality are destroyed. After this happens, the public is more susceptible to the government’s misguided ideals. Propaganda is vital to keeping America intact. If they can convince the most influential people (the media) to state something as a fact, they can generally convince the bulk of the population. Mainstream mentality forms when a large enough majority is convinced of something. If you disagree with mainstream mentality, your views will be dismissed without discussion.

One of the key ideas that has entered mainstream mentality is the idea that this is a free country. Since people are afraid of looking bad, this is consistently accepted as fact. By saying that this is a free country, we have effectively created the illusion that it is. People will argue for this country while taking it for granted. They may find a quick argument against my views, but that argument will likely be based on assumptions. People are not going to look hard for the answer to the question, “Is the United States of America a free country?” They would be too afraid to find the real answer.

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