Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I need to find a new way to make a living that does not require sacrifices in terms of personality.

One of the biggest changes that I want to make is to draw out the real me. That’s really hard to do when everyone pushes me to become someone that I hate. The current workforce consists of nothing but mindless drones. Businesses over the years have adjusted their practices to embrace conformity.

While most people seem to insist that we should accept that everybody is different, I have yet to encounter an environment where I can be accepted for who I am. I frequently pretend to be someone that others will tolerate. The problem with this act is that I do not tolerate the personality that I fake. I start hating myself.

When I become upset with the direction that I take, I frequently receive praise. I am complimented for how I have improved. Those who are making these compliments certainly mean well, but they make me feel horrible. If I know that I’m becoming less of a person, I don’t want to be told that it’s a significant improvement.

At some point, something needs to change. I need to find an environment where my desire to be a good person doesn’t have to be hidden at all costs for hours at a time. While I need a job to survive (in our money driven world), I don’t want to have to live a lie. For now, I would settle with the discovery that such an environment exists.

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