Sunday, May 1, 2011


I have already hinted at it, so let me make this clear. I love my region and hate my country. I would love to see the secession of Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia from the United States and Canada. I would love to see these three places join to create a nation. The nation that I see emerging, I call Cascadia.

Have you ever looked at the borders on the North American continent? Do you honestly believe that they make sense? What holds us to our current nations comes down to nothing more than the past. These are our countries, and we feel obligated to support them. Why are we currently parts of these countries? It is due to where past leaders decided to draw the borders. These borders have nothing to do with the present.

In all honesty, I have a much easier time associating myself with Vancouver, BC than I do with Spokane. I understand that the region has problems (over-schooled, under-educated, foreigners from places like Calivermia invading and tearing apart our quality of life, etc.), but I think that we can work on these problems together.

Apparently, I’m not alone when it come to the desire to secede. In fact, it turns out that many secessionists have used Cascadia for a country consisting of Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia. I am in no way associated with any of these groups. Many of them promote increased reliance on our mentally destructive schools. It should be clear that I would never back that suggestion. Regardless, the idea that the same name and range have been discussed from completely different sources should show that there is at least some logic to the idea of secession.

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