Monday, March 7, 2011

Two Party Politics

Republicans are megalomaniacs who want to utilize an overblown military to control the world. Democrats love social engineering practices involving taxes and laws that attack individuality. In short, republicans want to control those who live outside of the country and democrats want to control those who live within the country. Both parties are obsessed with seizing control, and neither party cares one bit about the people who elected them. As far as I’m concerned, both parties are the same.

With the one-two punch of Bush and Obama, it is unlikely that the divide between the two parties has ever been larger. Democrats hate warmongering while republicans hate the democrats ramming through misguided legislation without acknowledging potential consequences. Neither side is willing to look at the bigger picture, and this divide is really insignificant when you look at what the two sides have in common.

Political parties and the general public define politicians by their political affiliation. There are no more people running for office, just political parties. When was the last time that we elected a person as our president instead of a democrat or republican? If we are voting for parties instead of people, it’s no wonder that politicians care more about what they think their party is supposed to stand for rather than what they believe is right.

Unfortunately, our political system relies heavily on these two powerful parties. It’s unlikely that things will improve in the foreseeable future. When it comes to important positions, we lose if we elect a republican and we lose if we elect a democrat. Regardless of who we elect, we lose. Perhaps that’s why I don’t vote.

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