Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Nice Weather

When most people think of nice weather, they think warm and bright. I’m not most people. I prefer cool and damp.

The preference for warm and bright weather is such a big part of modern day society that even people who prefer alternatives might say that it is “nice” or “pleasant” when it’s far from their ideal. This preference is so strong that it has become one of the best example of what I call, “mainstream mentality” or “mass mindlessness.”

What I’m doing is not a constant. If you are doing anything physical, you will warm up more than if you are relaxing. The ideal temperature range can certainly vary with activity level. It should also vary depending on the individual.

Be an individual. Stop letting others tell you what weather you like. If you honestly like sunbathing, fine. If you’re like me and hate being cooped up indoors during a nice drizzle, good for you. No matter what, you should take the effort to figure out what you like instead of letting others form your opinions for you. Personally, I feel insulted every time someone uses “nice” or “lousy” weather as a factual statement. Just because it’s your opinion doesn’t mean that it has to be mine.

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