Wednesday, September 15, 2021

John Gibson

Once again, we have seen someone lose a job for not embracing liberal ideology. John Gibson, the former CEO of Tripwire Interactive was pushed to resignation for tweeting that he is pro-life. Here's the Tweet.

I was originally going to let this one slide. I have repeatedly stated that employers should not control their employees away from the job. Mr. Gibson did mention his employer in his profile, and he did mention in the tweet that he is a game developer. It's clear, however, that he was not speaking in behalf of his employer. If you have read my series on freedom of speech, you know that I side with Mr. Gibson.

I decided to go ahead and post about this situation because there were a couple components to address. For starters, I have tried not to take a hardline stance on abortions, but the pro-choice community has made this very difficult by lying about the beliefs of the pro-life community and framing the debate as a war on women.

Calling pro-life values as a war on women is a charged and misleading phrase intended to manipulate the views of the public. Most evidence I have seen shows that gender is a relatively minor factor in which side of this debate people support. For any woman who believes that life begins at conception, it's downright ridiculous to think she's anti-women.

The comments that I have read against Mr. Gibson's tweet showed that a lot of people have fallen for the war on women nonsense. There are people who insisted that they felt sorry for any women that worked for him. Some people insisted that he cost himself the support of female gamers. Others outright stated that his views are anti-women and that he is a woman hater. I found it quite disturbing how many people openly show that they have fallen victim to liberal propaganda.

I also wanted to emphasize the last part of the tweet. "Yet with so many vocal peers on the other side of this issue, I felt it was important to go on the record as a pro-life game developer." Pro-choice vs. pro-life is not a settled debate. People publicize one side all the time without consequences. If you dare to take the other side, you can lose your job. Only one side is allowed to share opinions, creating a serious double standard.

Finally, I would like to say that John Gibson stepped down with class. He has asked gamers to continue supporting his former employer. It's unlikely that he wrote his statement on his own, but he did not have to post it to his personal Twitter account.

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