Monday, April 12, 2021

Capitalizing skin colors

How do you capitalize skin colors? The media recently made a change. They will capitalize black when referring to race. Similarly, most will also keep white lowercase when referring to a race.

There is no way to look at this and say that the media treats races as equals. They have made up excuses, but all of them are weak. For example, you can't capitalize white because it’s a skin color. Black isn't?

An even more bizarre argument relates to white supremacy. White supremacists capitalize white and keep black lowercase. The media doesn't want to capitalize white because that's what white supremacists do. In other words, the media is capitalizing one race and not another because racial supremacists capitalize one race and not another.

I prefer equality. Black and white should either both be capitalized or both be lowercase. If you have read this far, you already know my preference. I have resisted the corrupt American media's lead. I keep both of these races lowercase. There are other races that get a little trickier because some legitimately incorporate proper nouns, but outside these kinds of reasons for capitalization, I will stick with the old way of writing.

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