Wednesday, March 3, 2021

My Idea Outlet: Sports/List of Sports/Description

I have edited a page, List of Sports/Description, in my Sports notebook for My Idea Outlet. The contents can be found below.

There are a lot of different sports out there. If I'm going to look at how sports could function within the unrealistic scenario of having total control over the sports world, then it seems logical that I would need to take a look at some of the sports involved.

Originally, I intended to categorize each sport. As I have started a preliminary list of sports that could be included, I realized that there are some potential problems with this approach. Especially with the categories that I was considering. Among the problems was that some sports seemed to cross between categories.

I still want to take categories into consideration, especially since they can help establish structure. Instead of broad categories to divide these sports, I have decided to embrace a longer list of uncategorized sports with the individual pages recognizing the categories. I might also include alternative types of categories. I now intend to create a categorization section to this notebook to explain.

For each sport, I will look at what considerations should to be made for running leagues and events. In some cases, this will actually be a family of sports, with more specific sports listed as subpages. For example, I will likely have a listing for track and field. This can be followed by more specific events. I probably won't list absolutely every event separately since handling of races at different distances should essentially be the same.

When a family of sports is provided, the general expectation is that specific sports can be joined together for events. In other words, there is no need to create unique tournaments for both singles and doubles tennis.

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