Saturday, January 9, 2021

Why I don't want Trump to run in 2024

In 2016, Donald Trump ran a presidential campaign as an outsider who acted like an insider. He brought an over-the-top persona to his campaigns, making him the center of attention. Most people loved him or hated him. Those who hated him divided their primary votes between the other candidates in the crowded field. In many ways, it was the crowded field that ultimately gave Trump the nomination.

I was never a fan of Trump. Although I like the idea of an outsider shaking up the federal government, I didn't think that Trump qualified. He embraced the same corny political strategies typical of insiders. If we really wanted an outsider, there were much better options than Trump.

His personality is what really pushed me away. He maintains the same kind of arrogance and divisiveness that led me to viewing Barack Obama as one of our worst presidents, though not quite to the same level. After eight horrendous years under Obama, I didn't want to have to deal with four years of Obama-lite.

The media inadvertently took the edge off of Trump. They were so aggressive in trying to manipulate public opinions that I met each anti-Trump article with skepticism. The media's approach was so unbearable that I felt like I had to remind myself that just because the corrupt American media hates him, that does not make Trump a good person.

Trump is a conman. What is his biggest con? Convincing the people that he is a Republican. Trump was a Democrat up until he decided that he would do better politically if he pretended to be a Republican. Throughout his presidency, he tried to pander to a core following that he didn't understand. This became painfully obvious when he insisted that reopening after the Covid-19 pandemic would not be up to him rather than the states. In this particular case, he had to backtrack. Some people viewed this as an intelligent move because the Democrats responded by defending the 10th amendment that they have consistently rejected, but I see no evidence to back that claim.

Trump is a Republican in name only (RINO). I have never supported using this as an insult. Members of the political party should not be expected to embrace strict adherence to their party. As Trump's presidency continued, the label of RINO shifted from Trump to any Republican that dared to deviate from Trump's views. There is a reason for this.

I have spent years criticizing political conformity. Most Americans, including self-described independents, pick a party and conform. If you believe in a small government, you must believe in a bloated military. If you want the government to get out of the war on drugs, you must believe in the government restricting what you are allowed to eat and drink. What are your opinions of the Patriot act under Bush? Your opinion had to be the opposite when Bush's name was replaced by Obama's.

In the case of Trump, he became the highest profile Republican. He started to redefine the Republicans. Republicans shifted their views to conform to the new Republican party.

In a last ditch effort, Trump has crossed all kinds of lines. He has tried to overturn the election. He has taken many Republican conformists with him.

Democrats definitely cheated to win. They took control over the schools, which has allowed them to manipulate the values of the American public. They took control over the media, allowing them to skew what the public knows. They don't need to rig the election itself. Of course, I can't ignore the fact that they are trying to push for a popular vote while already looking for ways to manipulate the popular vote.

Republicans should try to end the cheating, not try to outcheat the Democrats. Unfortunately, they have followed Trump down a very dark path. This is something that needs to stop.

There are a lot of rumors that Trump will try to run again in 2024. An argument could be made that he could have a better shot of winning. Hatred of Trump drove voters to support his opponent regardless of what Biden stands for. As I have already stated, I would pick Trump over Biden if I absolutely had to choose. What I have seen from Biden is much worse than what I have seen from Trump. Biden's faults will be much harder to ignore over the next four years. Joe Biden probably won't do as well when people know who he is.

I'm not a Republican, but there's no question that I'm closer to the Republicans than the party of hate, intolerance, and oppression. Trump turned the Republicans in the wrong direction. We don't need more of that. We don't need a third straight election between two Democrats.

More importantly, we don't need someone claiming to be conservative who will push Americans more to liberal extremism. We don't need more hate, intolerance, and oppression. Trump lost. In 2024, he needs to step aside and give a better candidate a chance.

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