Monday, November 30, 2020

Quinn Simmons

I don't normally waste my time writing what others have already written, but I'm going to make an exception for Quinn Simmons. I wanted to have his example included with my series on freedom of speech.

Quinn Simmons is an American cyclist who was suspended for a couple of Tweets he posted. When a reporter Tweeted that she wanted anyone who supports Trump to unfollow her. Simmons responded by simply saying, "Bye." When some responded that he must be a Trump supporter, he agreed.

Simmons was suspended for his divisive and incendiary Tweets. I saw nothing legitimately divisive in his words. He merely acknowledged his political preference.

As I have repeatedly stated, people should be able to say what they think whenever they are representing themselves. If he would have Tweeted on behalf of his team, I can understand retribution. In this case, he clearly did nothing wrong.

We need a more tolerant society. Punishing someone for merely thinking differently from you is never acceptable. Simmons and his team have given me one of the best examples of speech that we shouldn't inhibit.

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