Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Short Stories - Time Traveler IV

Sometimes, it's best to leave your comfort zone. I have decided to push myself for some creativity. I'm not a writer (as if you couldn't tell), but I have decided to push that aside to write some corny stories. The text below is from one of these stories.

Enlightia's pod exited the historical museum and headed almost straight up. The pod started to follow the perimeter of the Floating Palace. The pod slowed its rate of ascent and rotated to an entry point near one of the corners. A voice came from her pod, "Clearance accepted." A door opened, and the pod slowly moved through. She was in a lobby. The pod stopped right in the middle and opened. "Please exit the vehicle." Enlightia stepped out. The pod closed and moved into a parking area.

A middle-aged man left the front desk and approached Enlightia. "Greetings, Enlightia. I have been asked to show you around the Floating Palace. Inside this facility, we have restricted the use of pods. I hope you don't mind walking."

Enlightia responded, "That's fine."

The man pointed to the right and said, "Follow me." Enlightia followed her guide through a door. She entered a massive room that was much larger than the fortress itself. Within this room, there appeared to be a life-size replica of the city's center. There was no fortress and no spire. It was as though she had stepped back in time . Taking in the view, she looked all around her. The door she just passed through had completely vanished. She tried feeling for the door, but her hand went right through.

Her guide provided an explanation. "As you are probably already aware, this facility was initially intended as a prison. We developed a primitive version of our holographic technology with a very different objective. We wanted the technology to hold criminals. We developed tools to move people without their knowledge while hiding any exit. We also found methods of gravity manipulation to make the door inaccessible. You can't see it, but the door you entered is about thirty feet above your head. You are walking on the wall."

Enlightia looked above her, but only saw sky. Her guide continued speaking. "Obviously, our goals have changed. We have refined our technology and revised the purpose. We now use this room to create a full-size recreation of our city. As you can see, we are not strictly looking at the present. We can go back to the early days of Futuropolis."

The guide paused a moment and made a few gestures. The city started to change. Enlightia watched the Fortress built, including the original pillars that contained the elevators. Time was paused.

The guide started talking again. "While real pods are off limits, our holograms can replicate our pods. Hop in."

A two-person pod materialized right in front of them. The guide let Enlightia in, then followed. The pod started moving towards the elevators.

The guide continued, "We are not actually moving right now. The hologram is adjusting our apparent location."

The pod seemed to stop. The pod opened. As Enlightia stood, the pod dematerialized.

The guide once again said, "Follow me."

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