Monday, May 18, 2020

My Idea Outlet: Business Sim>Cities>Description

A new page, Cities>Description, has been added to my Business Sim notebook for My Idea Outlet. The contents can be found below.

Within this game concept, there are two things that need to be generated for anyone joining. One is a nation. The other is a city.

A city is essentially an individual tile of the nation map marked for development. Like a nation, the game should try to enable virtually unlimited growth. A city should have a tile type (mountain to plains, coastal river, etc), climate, and potential resources (gold, coal, oil, etc.)

The initial city should be coastal, perhaps with a river. It should also be marked as a nation's initial capital. It should have a mild climate. Resources could be determined in a similar manner to other tiles.

The account tied to the nation should be tied to the initial city. This means that city-wide decisions should be made by the account holder. There can be ways to change this, but not while the city is designated as the capital. Additional cities do not have to be controlled by the account holder.

Cities should start with a small map, perhaps as an 8x8 grid for initial development and a 12x12 visible grid. Additional city tiles can be generated before being displayed to help establish better generation of the tiles. Tiles would likely be purchased as though the city is buying more land. As land is purchased, more tiles should become visible.

Most of the game should be played in the cities. This would be where businesses and residences are built. Many cities would likely be themed, such as a mining town, ski resort, or theme park. Within cities, zones could be created. These could be used to give someone else some control of an area or perhaps as a fee zone (good for theme parks). Control can be of varying degrees such as a month-long development contract or a permanent plot of land for use by a friend.

Cities should be connected through the nation map. Roads, tracks, and power lines can be used to move people or goods from one city to another. To pull this off, maintaining existing connections should be required for expansion. It's possible that these could be generated automatically, with the possibility of relocating after acquisition.

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