Tuesday, March 3, 2020

My Idea Outlet: Social Networking+>Openness>Network ID

A new page, Openness>Network ID, has been added to my Social Networking+ notebook for My Idea Outlet. The contents can be found below.

I have already discussed User IDs. Inclusive social networks should also utilize Network IDs. Network IDs should be included with User IDs in a manner similar to how email addresses have an account and domain.

Each social network should register an ID with some form of registry. When a network is referenced, the registry should be used to properly locate the network. Additional information such as a User ID could then be sent to the network to properly identify a user.

Web domains can have subdomains. Similarly, social networks can have subnetworks. This can be used to divide one company's network by purpose (internal use, public, specific products, etc.) or to allow a network to run networks for others (yourbusiness.socialhost).

A Network ID could potentially be used to identify tendencies of members. For example, a social network might have more results filtered from a search if they have problems with bots. Similarly, you might be able to better identify sources of fake information. You could also create a political site that tries to share multiple perspectives. This could include putting popular posts from a conservative and liberal network right next to each other.

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