When I first heard about Trump derangement syndrome (TDS), I simply brushed it off. Disliking a president and calling out perceived wrongdoing is a common practice. As time has progressed, I have to admit that I see some legitimacy to TDS. It wasn't Trump or his followers who changed my mind. It was the Democrats.
I have never seen people respond to a president the way they have responded to Trump. In the minds of many liberals, anything associated with Trump has to be as negative as possible. They have to spin good news as bad news. More concerning is their desire for our country to take a turn for the worse.
It was the liberal response to Trump's handling of Korea that initially convinced me that TDS is real. Trump involved himself in the Korean mess. While it wasn't as big a victory as Trump tried to claim, the improved relations between North and South Korea was a serious accomplishment. No rational person can look at that and say it was a bad thing. Liberals couldn't accept that Trump was a involved with something positive, and they resorted to an absurd amount of spin. Trump had to work with Kim Jong Un to accomplish this feat. The story was transformed into Trump being a horrible person for associating himself with Kim.
As I already stated, a lot of people with TDS want our country to suffer. If things are bad under Trump, then they can pin the blame on Trump. A lot of people will point to the economy as proof of this. A lot of Democrats want our economy to fail purely for the sake of assigning blame to Trump. Personally, I think I have seen an even bigger example of this problem.
Trump ordered a drone strike the killed an Iranian general, Qasem Soleimani. When word came out, Democrats blamed Trump for what they hoped would be the start of World War III. There was no evidence that we were even close to war, but anti-Trump viewpoints had liberals hoping that they had something horrible to blame on Trump. The situation de-escalated in a hurry, proving liberals wrong on this issue. Instead of admitting they were wrong, they used the fact that they made an incorrect prediction against Trump. Because they predicted World War III and it didn't happen, they insisted he almost started World War III.
In many ways, TDS is going down the same path that we saw from the media in 2016. The media undeniably helped out Hillary Clinton in 2016. They would have been even more effective if they had shown some restraint. The media crossed so many lines that a significant portion of the population became skeptical. The stopped trusting the media, even when they were telling the truth.
When people first started talking about TDS, it came off as an excuse. People refused to accept Trump's faults and blamed those who dared to call out those faults. It has since become clear that this is not always the case. A lot of criticism aimed at Trump has turned out to be illegitimate. This has strengthened the viewpoint that criticism of Trump must be the result of TDS, even when the criticism is legitimate. As a result, the people who most desperately want Trump out of office are inadvertently helping him by delegitimatizing the legitimate.
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