Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Short Stories

I have never claimed to be a good writer. Despite this problem, I do occasionally have ideas for stories to write. How should I handle this?

Now that my series on freedom of speech has been finished (for now), I have an opening for a new series. I have decided to create a series of short stories. These will be poorly written stories built around ideas that I want to explore.

I might touch on education and schooling as a theme. If any of these end up in a story arc, I don't want to force anyone to go back and forth. For this reason, and the possibility of spoiling any plot twists, I have decided that all short stories will end up on my personal blog regardless of content.

Another possibility is a push for meaningless creativity. Some of these short stories could be nothing more than creativity exercises that I created for myself.

One more thing. These are not going to be all-at-once stories. I intend to break things up into smaller, more manageable pieces. This will allow more of an arc, but keep in mind that one part is not necessarily going to be tied to another.

If you have seen my fiction writing before, you know I have some deficiencies. One way that I have handled my problems has been by using an intentionally corny writing style. My writing style could vary, but don't be surprised if there is a return to corniness.

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