Thursday, June 27, 2019

Democrats and voter suppression

Several states controlled by the Democrats have been pushing legislation to require presidential candidates to provide their taxes before their names can be included on ballots. The frequently cite Donald Trump's refusal as the reason they want such a law. In other words, the Democrats are threatening voter suppression if Trump does not turn over taxes. Keep in mind that taxes were never required for presidential candidates. This was merely tradition.

I don't want to let Trump off the hook for his actions. He repeatedly insisted that he would eventually release his taxes. He has since gone out of his way to keep the public from his records.

In all honesty, I doubt these laws will be a factor in the next election. We would likely see a long legal battle extending beyond the election. Even so, I still want to look at what the Democrats are trying to do.

Which would the Democrats prefer, Trump releasing taxes that might not have any dirt, or preventing voters from being able to re-elect Trump? I honestly think the Democrats in their strongholds want Trump to continue withholding his taxes. This would allow a party in a position of power to remove opposition from the ballot.

These laws would set a dangerous precedent. Voting should be about the people, not about which party is stronger. Passing laws to disqualify the opposition is highly unethical. Even in liberal strongholds, you can substantially alter voter turnout. You can also protect your party should you act in a way that turns voters against you. Of course, setting the precedent could also encourage states with slimmer majorities to take similar actions.

A lot of these states are also trying to push for a switch to the popular vote for presidential elections. Under such a model, these laws could have more substantial consequences. California is a large liberal state. In 2016, nearly four and a half million votes were counted for Donald Trump. Could you imagine the Democrats getting a popular vote and eliminating four and a half million votes from a Republican? That's just one state. If all liberal states joined in, it would be nearly impossible for the best Republican candidates to beat the worst Democratic candidates.

The Democrats are openly critical of what they consider to be voter suppression whenever laws work against their party. The laws they are now trying to pass prove what many of us already know. They're not truly against voter suppression. They are only against voting laws that don't work to their advantage. Not allowing felons and those without IDs to vote is nowhere near as substantial as not allowing voters to support an opposing candidate.

These laws proposed by the Democrats are among the most unethical that I have ever seen. No political party should have the power to remove their competition through legislation. They are taking away option from the people purely for the sake of their party. Putting the party above the people should never be rewarded. Anyone backing these laws need to be voted out as soon as possible. That is assuming that they don't expand these practices to protect their own jobs.

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