Monday, August 27, 2018

NFL players kneeling during the national anthem

Now that I have provided a few basics ideas behind my views on freedom of speech, I want to look at some examples of what I do and do not consider to be freedom of speech. I am going to start with NFL players kneeling during the national anthem.

When NFL players kneel, they are wearing uniforms that represent their employers. Anyone who does not approve of this type of protest should not be forced to pay for them. These players have a right to speak their minds and to protest, but it shouldn't be on the job.

There's a quirk to this type of protest. It isn't defined by what they are doing. It's defined by what they aren't doing. Since I am looking at freedom of speech from an ethical perspective, I have to look at whether the league's desire for athletes to stand is ethical. In many ways, this could be viewed as a mandate for players to make a statement that they don't believe. In this regard, the NFL should back down.

I should probably clarify something here. There is no requirement in this country for what the national anthem must mean for every citizen. A lot of the criticism that has emerged has been based off of individuals who feel that their personal views of the national anthem are under attack by these actions. We have no right to demand that others views our national anthem the same way that we do. An argument can certainly be made that these athletes don't want to send the message that they are proud of how our nation is handling issues that are important to them.

The bottom line here is that the NFL should have a right to tell players to stand, but shouldn't pursue that right. Players should not take controversial actions while representing their teams, but teams should not force athletes to act against their personal beliefs. That said, some of these athletes are still going too far. If they are wearing a uniform, talking to the press on behalf of their team, or otherwise representing their team, they should try to keep their personal views to themselves. An exception can be made if they are specifically asked about their personal views.

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