Tuesday, July 3, 2018

My Idea Outlet: My Idea Outlet>About Me

A new page, My Idea Outlet>About Me, has been added to my main My Idea Outlet notebook. The contents can be found below.

I am a big believer in independent thought. Let me emphasize the "independent" piece of that last sentence. I do not like to allow anything, including popular opinions and social acceptability, to hinder my thought process. My level of disconnect from what I am supposed to believe could be viewed as abnormal, and there aren't many people who are less susceptible to outside influence than I am.

I have generally argued that my ability to disconnect is among both my greatest strengths and my greatest weaknesses. People frequently look down on me because I don't know what they expect me to know, which includes beliefs and opinions that can't be established as legitimate fact. The flip side of this is that I can see things that very few people, if any, can.

Over the years, I have spent a significant amount of time just thinking. While a lot of my thought relates to pessimism of how the modern world works, I have been known to do some brainstorming. Some ideas have related to my desire for societal improvements, while others are just ideas that I find interesting.

For most of my life, I have kept my ideas to myself. As time has progressed, it has become clear to me that I will never be able to properly pursue any of my ideas. Although there is certainly a side of me that would like to get something back if any of my ideas prove beneficial, I am far more concerned about my ideas being lost when my time comes.

Partially thanks to our disastrous schooling system, I developed a hatred of writing. As I have pushed myself to do more and more to write down my thoughts, this hatred has shown signs of submission. This has made me a little more comfortable in resorting to the dreaded task of writing to document these ideas. Just keep in mind that I do not have a strong background in writing or in saying what people want to hear. Bear with me as I at least attempt to share some of my ideas, not all of them of high quality, through my blog.

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