Sunday, June 3, 2018

My Idea Outlet: Educational Rights>Educational Resource Center>Description

A new page, Educational Resource Center>Description, has been added to my Educational Rights notebook for My Idea Outlet. The contents can be found below.

It's no secret that I hate the schools. I find the process to be educationally inhibitive. We should be tearing down walls to education, not building them up.

Just because schools do not work for educational purposes, that does not mean that educational facilities can't work. That is why I started looking into how an educational resource center could work.

The general idea behind an educational resource center is that a facility could be developed to provide an alternative to schooling. One of the primary goals to execute would be to make education as open of an opportunity as we can justify. This includes improving the accessibility of educational resources beyond controlled environments and feeding rather than diminishing the natural desire to learn.

I intend to add some details and engage in brainstorming regarding this concept. Expect more pages to be added to this document as I expand beyond this simplified explanation.

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