Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The second dark age

Everyone has heard of the dark ages. This was supposed to be a backward time in world history with nothing good coming from it. Okay, so maybe the realities of the dark ages have been disputed.

What if there was a time more suitable for the term? Perhaps there was a time that was definitively darker. Perhaps we are living in that time.

Take a look around you sometime. What is modern-day man contributing that historians will remember? Good luck with that. Pretty much everything that we are doing to progress was actually set into motion decades ago. In terms of actual innovation, we have never progressed at a slower rate than what we are doing right now.

How about intelligence? He have become reliant on a schooling system that trains everyone to turn to government workers to dictate their thoughts for them. Independent thought is being absolutely destroyed. This process could very well be considered to be a form of mental genocide. We are now living in the most mindless conformist era in history.

How about freedom? We are inundated with social engineering and subsequent societal pressure that push most people to the the role of mindless drone. If we break the mold, then we no longer fit social acceptability. Without social acceptability, you can't get a job. In this money-oriented world, not allowing the nation to control your life can very well threaten your survival. America is supposed to be the land of the free, but this has actually devolved into a highly oppressive nation.

How about information? This one is a little bit trickier. Technically speaking, we have access to more information than ever before. The problem is that the bulk of the information contains flaws. Some people make up stories just to see if they can successfully fool people. Even worse is the media. They frequently lie to push agendas. The Associated Press is especially problematic. They throw together over-the-top pro-democrat opinion pieces and try to sell them as factual. Then, just about every major news outlet will post their deception.

There is a difference between being uninformed and misinformed. There is no way that we rank among the worst eras for people being uninformed. It's not like we can go back and un-invent every communications tool. However, we clearly rank among the most misinformed. We are absolutely flooded with lies and deception, and it has become extremely difficult to find legitimate facts. Most people don't even try and accept even the most absurd claims from the media.

This is clearly a regressive era. For those of us who are progressive (as in promoting progress rather than embracing misguided liberal policies - It sickens me that I have to clarify), this is a tough time to be alive. This is thanks to numerous regressive components of the modern world. We have become anti-thought, anti-individual, anti-progress, anti-freedom, anti-educational, and numerous other antis. Quite frankly, it makes far more sense to label the present as a dark age rather than the real dark ages.

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