Thursday, June 15, 2017

Right to Public transportation

When I am talking about rights, I am generally talking about what the government should not take from it's citizens. I believe in public transportation. You shouldn't have to buy a car to go places. Does that mean that public transportation should be treated as a right? Absolutely not.

The bottom line with public transportation is that it is a service that we can add. It is not something that a failure to offer truly hinders our rights. Lack of public transportation can certainly cause issues with mobility, but this only became a concern after the concept was developed.

If we viewed public transportation as a right, the concept could be abused. Like it or not, we have limited resources. There are certainly limits to how much we can invest in local transit options. Considering it a right could provide pressure to expand beyond what is reasonable. While it might be nice for everyone including those who live in secluded areas to have access to public transportation, it would be a horrible waste of resources.

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