Sunday, February 9, 2025

The most overlooked problem with tax the rich

Tax the rich. Actually, that's a ridiculous saying. They are already taxed. How about making them pay their fair share? That's a lot more understandable, but what qualifies as their fair share can be put up for debate. For now, I'm not going to dig into the details of how much anyone should be taxed. Instead, I want to point out mistakes being made by those calling for tax increases.

Compared to the federal government, the rich could actually be considered the little guy. They are not moving nearly as much money as the government. Even if we took every penny owned by the rich, we would still have problems with such things as deficit spending.

Most calls for tax increases are not intended to cut deficits. People view the rich as a way to justify government expansion. For example, look at all the money we could throw at our schools if we increased taxation. The rich may have money, but it's not an unlimited supply. If we keep treating taxation as the solution to everything, the rich will eventually run out of money.

Our government has a much bigger problem with spending than tax revenue. Even if you support tax increases, would you rather have their money used for societal benefits or to bail out fiscal irresponsibility? In the case of education, every rational person knows that money is not the problem. I would much rather pursue a better educational model than throw even more money into a model that will never benefit society. Keep in mind that funding increases have failed every single time they have been implemented.

The federal government has repeatedly shown absolutely nothing resembling fiscal responsibility. If that's the case, why would we want to give them more? If you really believe that the rich don't pay enough taxes, I'm not going to fight you. You have a right to your own opinion. Instead, I will strongly encourage you to demand that these tax increases aren't merely thrown away by irresponsible spending. If you really want more taxpayer funds, let's try to get the most out of it.

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