Sunday, November 6, 2022

Trump and political conformity

My blog is not just about posting thoughts of mine that can't be found elsewhere. It's also about venting. While I have already complained about how Donald Trump is destroying the Republican party, I don't feel like I have vented enough. Please forgive the redundancies as I vent some more.

Donald Trump used to be a Democrat. He joined the Republican party not because he believes in conservative ideology, but because he thought that he could dupe Republicans into giving him power. Although he tried to pander to a conservative base, there were times when he seemed clueless about what Republicans believe.

Trump campaigned as an outsider candidate. There were other candidates running as outsiders. Those candidates felt more like the outsider we need. Instead, Trump acted just like a typical politician. He engaged in the same kinds of mudslinging, spin, and outright dishonesty typical of politics. His campaigning was nearly identical to what we saw from our previous president, Barack Obama. I still struggle with the idea that after eight horrible years under Obama, Republicans elected a man who could be thought of as Obama-lite.

After his lone term, Trump has attacked his opponents for being Republicans in name only (RINOs). How did we go from Trump campaigning as an outsider to the insistence that more conventional Republicans are RINOs? This was a drastic shift.

Let me summarize. A Democrat infiltrated the Republican. He went on to pretty much destroy the party from the inside. Meanwhile, Republicans changed their political views to match Trump's. Republicans then became critical of conservatives who maintained their values during Trump's time in office.

It's downright embarrassing to see how gullible Republicans have become. I know that I have singled out the stupidity of Democrats multiple times. It's the Democrats that have done more to tick me off. It's also the Democrats who have attacked me for believing things that I don't believe. I need to make one thing clear. Democrats do not have a monopoly on stupidity.

Stupidity in America is bipartisan. This is not a change in my viewpoint. It's merely an acknowledgement of something that I know I haven't made clear. If you can read between the lines, you might have already recognized this viewpoint. While I frequently call out liberal stupidity, I also periodically being up more generalized stupidity. I have referred to the present as the most mindless era in history. I have discussed how our increased schooling has corresponded with increased stupidity. If you are still struggling with what I'm saying, let me say it clearly. Yes, Republicans are stupid, just like the Democrats.

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