Friday, November 11, 2022

My Idea Outlet - Home Networking

When I started this iteration of My Idea Outlet, I identified five projects that I thought were among the most valuable. I finished those five (for now), but that doesn’t mean my remaining ideas are worthless. I see potential in improving home networking by integrating network connections into electrical outlets. This is the latest idea that I wanted to share.

Like usual, I have saved a copy of this project online. You can find it by clicking on the link below:!Ar3VXpGA-24ugboCveLYWP5arAiEZg?e=uahCGt

Although I see value in this concept, I don’t have the same interest as I have in the other ideas I have shared. I am open to my ideas being pursued without me, but I would usually prefer to be involved. In this case, I don’t think I would care that much for involvement beyond sharing the concept.

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