Wednesday, October 19, 2022

My Idea Outlet - Global Relations

When I started this latest iteration of My Idea Outlet, there were five ideas that stood out to me for the potential value. These were five ideas that I absolutely wanted to get through. Today, I am sharing my fifth project out of these five.

This project is perhaps the most basic of the five. It’s an idea that I had for global relations. Like usual, I converted to a PDF (to avoid accidental changes) and uploaded the file. This file can be found at:!Ar3VXpGA-24ugboAkytxN5hU8H7dZQ?e=xcs2va

Although I have completed the five most important projects (for now), don’t expect much change in my approach. I still have ideas, and I didn’t modify my approach for these five. I will continue to document various ideas that I don’t want to lose. For the most part, my remaining ideas will have even less substance, so they will likely be shorter. Less writing per project could lead to a slight increase in post frequency.

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