- What we are allowed to think
- What we are allowed to say
- What we are allowed to believe
- What we are allowed to know
- What we are allowed to eat and drink
- Who we are allowed to associate with
- What we are allowed to read
- What, where, when, why, and how we are allowed to learn
- Who we are allowed to vote for
The Democrats have proven that they want total control over our lives. There's a word for that, totalitarianism. A lot of definitions for totalitarianism include banning opposition. While they are not technically to that point, they are close. In fact, some Democrats have openly stated that they believe we should ban the Republican party. Simply put, the modern Democratic party is trying to install a totalitarian government.
As this country becomes more and more oppressive, what do the Republicans do? Nothing. Our country is a disaster, and they won't address our problems. When in power, they can at least slow our march off the cliff, but they refuse to take any meaningful actions. In fact, I don't think any rational person can argue against the idea that changes in the federal government over the years have reflected the views of Democrats far more than Republicans. What this means is that we can view our two parties as the aggressive regressives and the passive regressives. We could take this further and argue that we have the totalitarians going up against the enablers.
There are a lot of people who refer to American politics as choosing the lesser of two evils. I am among them. Unlike most people who talk about the lesser of two evils, however, I embrace the idea that this puts both parties on the side of evil.
Due to our hyperpartisan society, this is a concept that can confuse a lot of people. Strong opposition to aggressive regressive totalitarians does not mean that I support passive regressives enabling the transition to a totalitarian government. I'm not going to lie. If I have to choose, I prefer the Republicans. I would prefer to delay the disastrous policies of the Democrats.
I should also repeat a frustration that I have mentioned before. We tend to use politics to lump a lot of drastically different concepts together based on party lines. The Constitution, environment, economy, LGBTQ, religion, and military are all very different. One should not dictate the others. Just because I view the Republicans as the lesser of two evils, that doesn't mean that I will automatically side with Republicans on every single issue. Yes, I believe that we have screwed up our climate (although I don't like the fear mongering and misportrayals). I also don't want the government to control goes on in your bedroom. I just don't want to address these issues in a way that allows the government to view citizens as its slaves.
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