Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Right to Schooling

A lot of people love to bring up the fact that we treat education as a right. What they are actually discussing is our insistence that everybody must be forced to go to school. When it comes to establishing whether or not something qualifies as a fundamental human right, this fails miserably in two different ways.

If it's forced, it's not a right. In this case, we're talking about forcing children through a process that can potentially cause a great deal of harm. There is no way that this qualifies as a right.

Another failed test is the impact that schooling has on general freedom. Since schooling is provided in a controlling manner that reduces the say children have on their own lives, this is more evidence that forced schooling should not be considered a fundamental human right.

When people insist that education is treated as a right, they are wrong. If they insisted that education should be treated as a right, they would have my support.

As I have stated on numerous occasions, those who want to learn should be allowed to do so with as little restriction as possible. The schools push all sorts of restrictions on the educational process. What does this mean? Schooling is actually being used as a means to deprive citizens of the fundamental human right to pursue a healthy education.

Most of my posts regarding human rights have reflected ideas that don't meet my criteria for qualification as fundamental human rights. Schooling is different. This concept is definitively detrimental to our rights. I urge anyone reading this to look past our excessive pro-schooling propaganda and see the schools for what they really are. I'm not asking you to take my word for it. If you just open your eyes, you will see the hostilities that are schools show towards a healthy education.

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