Wednesday, August 30, 2017


In the United States, we pride ourselves on freedom. How do we know that we are free? Everybody else knows it, and everybody else says it.

Reality does not always match what we want to believe. The government has done a lot to oppress us Americans. We are subtle enough that most people never catch it. We have been exploiting social engineering, societal pressure, and children of an impressionable age to convince people to become the one acceptable person that the government demands that we all become. If we allow others to persuade us to fall in line, we are free to live that life.

What about those who don't conform? This is a money-driven nation. If you don't conform, it's difficult to find an employer who would take the chance to hire someone who does not meet socially acceptable standards. Under our nation's financial model, this can make survival a very difficult task. In other words, we are threatening the very survival of anyone who dares to be an individual.

Nowhere is American oppression more obvious than in our schools. We are removing children from their parents so they can be raised by the government. When you really think about it, schooling is an absolutely absurd concept. Even so, it's undeniable that it's happening.

We think that we are free because we allow the government to steer us into the lives that the government wants us to have. The government has all sorts of tools to sway our decisions, but we ultimately choose to be who they want us to be. When we become that person, we observe the freedom to live as that person. Unfortunately, anyone who dares to deviate from government-approved standards must deal with the truth. There is absolutely no way that we qualify as a free country.

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