Monday, August 7, 2017

One path to a decent life

What does it take to have a decent life in America?

We are all expected to be raised by the government through their schools. Schools embrace a rigid structure that absolutely requires conformity.

Once we're done with school, what is expected of us? More schooling in the form of college. College is more of the same rigidity. While there may be more options for schools and subjects, the methods still require all students to fit a single mold.

Beyond college, the workforce isn't much better. Businesses have adapted to what the schools have produced. As a result, the workforce consists entirely of people who are essentially the same as everyone else.

To gain employment, there are many standard requirements. You have to fill out an application with standard questions. Anything worthwhile also requires a resume and a cover letter. If an employer likes the paperwork well enough, an interview will follow. Interviews typically follow the same patterns with very similar questions.

This is a country of over three hundred million individuals, but there is only one single path that we insist everyone must follow in order to succeed. We need change. We need to look for alternatives to everybody having to do everything in the same way.

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